Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hey everyone,
Here are this weeks blog instructions, don't forget to read comment on at least three of your classmates blogs when you are finished. If you have some extra time read and comment on this article from the BBC Do you think this could happen in Chile? There are lots of Germans in the south... :)

**Interesting Fact of the Day**
The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark.


What is your opinion of Transantiago.

A) In what way(s) is it better or worse than the pre-Transantiago system.

B) Compare and describe your experience with the new system when it started and now.

C) What changes would you apply in order to make it better/more effective in the future?

Mention any other points you think are important. Number of words: 200 - 250.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hey class,
Here is this weeks blog instructions. You might have to use the internet a little to find some extra information. After you're done writing this week be sure to comment on some of your classmates posts from this week or last week.
If you get done early check out today in pictures from around the world and comment on them.

**Interesting fact of the day**
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times


- Which country would you like to go to? Why?

- What do you know about it?

- What would you like to do there?

- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts

- Word Count: 200 words

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Marking Rubric

Blogs Level 4 – 2009-2nd Semester

Section 1*: Posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11. (10 posts)

Task Completion:
Full >> 2 marks
Partial >> 1 mark
Not done >> 0 marks

Maximum marks for the 10 posts = 20
*Students who don’t attend class can do task within a 48hr period to receive a mark of 1

Section 2: Posts 8 and 12*:

3 marks>>
Task: All aspects of the task are very well handled.
Lexis: Excellent use of lexical resources.
Grammar: Grammar is excellent and almost error-free

2 marks>>
Task: The task is sufficiently handled
Lexis: Good use of lexical resources /Coherence generally well handled.
Grammar: Grammar is adequate despite minor errors

1 mark>>
Task: Some details of the task are missing or erroneous
Lexis: Some problems with word formation and usage. Occasional lapses in coherence that hinders clarity of message
Grammar: Grammar is weak with noticeable errors

0 marks>>
Task: Writing is unrelated to task
Lexis: Incorrect or erroneous lexis usage (or flaws in coherence) that hinders communication of message
Grammar: Too many grammar errors to convey message

The maximum score per post is therefore 9 points
*Students who don’t attend class can do task within a 48hr period to receive a mark reduced by 50%.

Final Blog Mark > Weight
Section 1 = 50%
Section 2 = 50%